Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More . . .

Now that we know we definitely have two growing babies, here are the stats:

Baby A: 15.9 mm, measuring 8 weeks exactly (sorry it's lopsided!)

Baby B: 11.9 mm, measuring 7 weeks 3 days

Baby B closed the measurement gap by 1 day, so he or she is trying to catch up! It is amazing how much bigger they looked as opposed to a week ago. When I saw them, my extraordinary fatigue and pukiness made a lot of sense. If you check out the baby gaga ticker, it is once again RIGHT. ON. My workout regiment is history for now.

Our triplet is already gone--amazing to me how it just disappears. There was absolutely no evidence of a third, a true vanishing triplet.

I do have to mention how much I love Soonja, our nurse. She is definitely in the right field. I loved how she saw us and came into the ultrasound because she "want[s] to see this!" She's been with us from day 1 (and took my order for pink cupcakes when I was on the crazy drugs), and I really appreciated her stopping what she was doing and sharing our joy!

The doctor said today to expect this pregnancy to be quite different than my singleton (Noah) pregnancy. Our official due date is January 5, but we're probably looking at mid-December for delivery. The fact that Noah was a full-termer is supposedly a good indicator that we can get these babies close to term. I know, however, that's definitely not a guarantee--right, Krista?

Anyway, while we are so excited about our twins, I have to confess something to you, my faithful readers. I said to Chris today, "What have we done? TWINS?!?" The best way to sum up the emotions of this whole thing is BIPOLAR. I'm so excited and so terrified all at once. We'll be going from a family of three to a family of five. We have to get different cars--probably a mini-van (GASP! I swore I would never drive a minivan.) We'll probably have to doctor our house a little bit. We have to double our gear. WOW. It's so overwhelming to stop and think about all of the details!

We go to our regular ob on Monday, but it's just the initial appointment. In the meantime, I continue on with the estrogen patches, the progesterone shots, the extra folic acid, and my prenatal vitamin. And the Zofran.
Stay tuned for how we break the big news to our families! I have some priceless video of Noah and will try to upload that in the next couple of days. Thanks so much for all of your prayers! Keep praying that both babies will grow healthfully and that we will find peace in the chaos and the wide-ranging emotions.
P.S. I have to mention the fear that shot through me when Chris told the front desk lady, "We'll see you in about three years!" We still have one more "batch" of embryos . . . too much to think about right now . . .


  1. Yeah!!!! SO Happy everything is going so well!!

  2. So glad to hear this news!!! Are you planning to find out the sex? I think you did with Noah, but can't remember exactly....Just curious. :) So excited for the two babies!! And I'll be praying for a full term delivery for you and those babies.

  3. What a great post Mary. I'm so happy for you!

  4. Christina,
    Yes, we will find out the sex! We're not those people who are patient enough to wait it out! Thanks so much for your prayers!
