Monday, May 4, 2009

Coincidentally . . .

Our wonderful doctor was in the news again, commenting on a story that is remarkably similar to ours! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. WOW I'm SOO excited for you guys! Isn't a positive pregnancy test the best feeling. Oh I just love it.

    Okay, so I went back and looked up my HCG levels on the 14th day when I was prego with twins and yours were quite a bit higher. Don't know if that's because you started with an embryo further along or if its triplets. . . I'm dying to find out!!

    But I must admit as I sit there at night nursing twins, holding twins, putting pacifiers in twins, doing whatever it takes to keep them from being too fussy during the "fussy evening" time I think of you and wonder what on earth it would be like with THREE!!!
