Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Symptoms and Today's Test

I have been pretty surprised at how fast my pregnancy symptoms have appeared. No, I'm not assuming/insinuating/suggesting we have multiples. :) I think a lot of it is related to the fact that my body has been pregnant before and maybe because I'm more aware of such things this time around. ? But then again, it could be multiples . . . take my poll over on the side margin to cast your opinion!

It also just dawned on me that I am slowly accpeting the reality that I'M PREGNANT. Even if the pregnancy is not viable or whatever, I will still have been pregnant. Wow. It still feels pretty unreal.

We will have the "official" test on Friday. It's a quick blood draw, and our nurse will call us with the results sometime in the afternoon. For some reason, this is when we will really celebrate--it was the same way last time, too.

Anyway, the symptoms (and the ways that I interpret/dismiss them) are as follows:

(1) The "girls" are bothering me. This started about a week ago, actually. Every now and then, I get the feeling I used to have when I was nursing Noah and KNEW I HAD to pump right then. If you've nursed before, you know what I'm talkin' about. Otherwise, they have grown and are tender, making running a bit uncomfy. This was the MAIN sign I got from my body about a week ago that something was up.

(2) I get dizzy randomly and am getting headaches. Now, I'm not convinced this is hormone-related. I've thought that maybe I have a sinus problem, swine flu, or something else. BUT it could definitely be the offspring.

(3) I'm peeing all. the. time. I'm also not fully convinced this is hormone-related. I think it's because I'm drinking more water lately because I've been more thirsty. But then again, I could be more thirsty because it's been so hot . . .?

(4) My workouts have been really bad lately. I ran a mile this morning and did my normal strength-training routine, but I was not 100%. I had to stop and go to the car for my banana. Very atypical. On my distance run days, I haven't been able to run as far, as fast. Tomorrow, I'm going to try slowing the pace down considerably and seeing if that helps.

(5) I have indigestion in the afternoons. I think this might be the progesterone, though.

(6) I'm so, so tired at the end of the day. I think some of this is because I haven't been sleeping that great. I need to pee in the middle of the night (b/c of the water) but I don't get up and pee because I'm saving up my pee for the am test.

Speaking of the test . . .

I took it at some point in the middle of the night. In my memory, I had a dream that I had to pee really badly, so I went ahead and took the test at the same time. Turns out, it was indeed reality. Had I been able to wait all night long, I know the line would've been way darker since it darkened again in less than 24 hours and that was only a few hours worth of pee/hormone build-up.

So, there you have it! And I apologize for all the pee references.


  1. Hey sweetie! I can't wait to hear Friday's official word, but just wanted to let you know we're praying!

  2. I think your body is going to be tired for awhile until all your hormones get adjusted again! Plus, you're going to be able to sleep better when you know for sure how many babies you are carrying!! Yeah!! Plus, being tired goes take the edge of everything else! God is good and looking after you!! Love you!
