Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mystery Solved/Today's Test

I figured out today what is causing the indigestion, and it is, in fact, pregnancy related--it's my prenatal vitamin and fish oil supplement. Mystery solved!

And here is today's test: If I take a step back, I have to laugh at us--I can't believe we're still taking daily tests. Before, we were looking for the line; now we enjoy watching the line darken from day to day. Today's test is the one on top!

I'm also happy to report that I ran today--the best run I've had in a week. Slowing down really helped. Yes, I came home and had to take a nap (thank goodness Chris was off today), but I feel good that I was able to run!

Tune in tomorrow for our daily test!


  1. ok its Thursday - where's today's test? I'm waiting for the whole window to just turn pink already!! :) I think you're pregnant, Mary!

  2. wait - maybe you're taking today off so you might be more likely to act surprised at tomorrow's official test?

  3. Hahaha! No, we took a test today, too! :) Chris is the official photographer because I can't seem to figure out how to take the pictures without them being fuzzy. I'll probably post them tonight!

  4. Pregnant! Pregnant! Pregnant! - That was my song - you just couldn't hear the tune. Can I just say though - if it's multiples - say goodbye to the exercise - they get too heavy on the cervix :). Yes, my husband is now horrified that I posted the word cervix on the internet :).
