Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I just had the strangest phone call. Our nurse Soonja called. After the customary introductions, she said, "OK, Mary. It's time to talk dates." I thought we had already done that, but I was glad for the checking-in/confirmation. I guess it means my doctor was OK with the way the ultrasound looked.

The bottom line: I will be impregnated on April 17 at 9 am.

If I step outside of my own reality for a minute, I have to admit that I could have never imagined this six years ago. April 17, 9 am, sounds more like a dentist appointment, a conference, a coffee date . . . strange . . .

In other news, on Friday at 9:45 am, I have an appointment to get my estrogen level tested. She said not to be surprised if I have to take estrogen pills in addition to the patches. Good thing she told me because I would've been surprised. Very surprised. I really don't like the idea of pumping even more artificial hormones into my body, so my prayer is NO PILLS!


  1. Wow!!! This is very exciting news for sure! I will pray for NO PILLS! Love you, this is so exciting!!!

  2. I'll definitely be praying for no pills, too. Love you girl! Here's praying that soon your only hormones will be pregnancy hormones!
