Thursday, April 16, 2009

As Promised: The State of the Union

It's difficult to find the words today to capture how we feel. It's so surreal--tomorrow, I am being impregnated . . . weird. . .

We've been passing questions back and forth: do you have any feelings about how this will work out? Are you nervous? What do we do if we have multiples? etc.

Our prayers have been those of surrender.

Ironically, the biggest thing on our minds right now is Noah's health. He is sick yet again, and we feel so helpless and confused as to how he keeps getting sick. We are on day three of fever and coughing and are weary of illness to say the least. We are exploring some herbal remedies and immune-boosting products.

I'm also in a quandary about what to do with Noah while we are at Duke. Some friends from church offered to keep him, but they have a little girl younger than Noah and I don't want to get her sick. What to do . . . ?

Chris had this (humorously) romantic vision of bringing Noah with us tomorrow. Noah would have the experience of being back in the same room in which he was created and united to us again. The only thing I can imagine is a two-year-old boy exploring, running, etc. in a fascinating place full of forbidden fruit. And I will literally be in NO position to enforce a time-out. Not that Chris couldn't, but he is expected to remain next to me at all times, as standing next to me is the only way he has anything to do with me getting pregnant. :o) Anyway, Chris' dream just might come true, but I'm praying so hard that Noah turns a major corner by tomorrow morning. Poor kid.

Anyway, back to tomorrow . . .

I am so looking forward to seeing our embryos. I seriously can't wait! I've said it before, but it means so much more now that I know that those cells grow into a treasure.

Stay tuned for a full update (with pictures) tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for everything! I'm going to have to take 2 melatonin tonight!!! I'm so excited and nervous too!
