Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I vs. We

One of our on-going "jokes" is that Chris had nothing to do with Noah's conception. It's funny how I look back and remember that he literally did nothing--no shots, no exams, nothing. It was all me from conception to delivery. Oh, he gave/is giving me the shots, but that's where it stops. (If you're reading and don't know the back-story, Chris is a leukemia survivor, and we used his sperm that he banked 13 years ago.)

In my most hormonal days (which so far have been on the birth control), I've had that's-not-fair thinking. (For example, it's not fair that my body is the one that gets wrecked while he gets to do nothing other than stab me with needles. So melodramatic, I know.) I'm so glad, though, that mindset was fleeting.

Otherwise, I might not appreciate the ways that he has encouraged me through this. He knows how to make me smile and to encourage me with small gifts.

Beyond giving me these small gifts and so many encouraging words, the best gift he is giving is a "We are going through infertility treatment . . . "