Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pink Cupcakes and Soccer Balls

Today I had the polpys in my uterus removed. Noah spent the night with his friend Emory since we had to leave to get to Duke at 8:30 this morning. He slept all night long (yay!) and had a BLAST playing with "Emy" today while we were at the clinic, I was under the knife (or whatever suction thingy), and then sleeping off the drugs at home.

Things were normal and familiar yet again. It was pretty much the exact same thing as the egg retrieval (down to the same room) except this was much less painful thankfully. I remember having crazy dreams and telling Chris to get the papers and the soccer ball. I apparently said something about pink cupcakes to the nurse? I vaguely remember the doctor showing me the polyps and her saying they found an extra one in there. She told Chris that my uterus looks very healthy as well, which is great. She's sending them off to the lab for testing but said nothing questionable has ever turned up.

I also have to say that I LOVE my doctor! She is not the same doctor that worked with us last time, but she is AMAZING. She remembers Noah's name, and always asks about him when we're there. Her nurse, Soonja, is equally amazing. She is the one who worked with us on Monday and the one who took my request for a pink cupcake.

Anyway, my energy level is low today, and I do have some pain. All is well, though I do wish I had a pink cupcake right about now.

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