Monday, March 23, 2009

Needles . . .

I hate needles. So much so that it took me 30 minutes to inject myself with the Lupron this morning. We are in SC visiting my sister in lieu of our ski trip (the resort closed down due to the economy), and I didn't want to have to draw attention to myself to get Chris to do it. SO I tried to be brave and do it myself.

I sat in the bed for about 30 minutes with the needle ready, and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I laid there with the needle suspended over my stomach, and the thought of me puncturing my skin with THAT . . . I couldn't do it. I prayed. I practiced stabbing the alcohol swab. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I determined that people who shoot up drugs (illegal ones, that is) MUST be crazy. I prayed some more.

Finally, I was able to do it very, very, very slowly. And thus, it hurt and left a nice red spot on my stomach. Around the nice red spot are a bunch of little red dots from my stabbing and stopping routine. Me and needles . . . not friends. And this is only the beginning . . .

And P.S --I'm coming down with Noah's cold; the one that gave him a raging fever. The one that sent us to the ER and got us a pneumonia diagnosis. Not fun.


  1. Wow! I can only imagine how hard-needles and this is only the beginning! When I broke my ankle and pregnant I had to a daily dose of blood thinner, though a needle in the stomach. I didn't like it at all. Although my experience can not compare because the reasons are totally different for needles in the stomach. Thus, I have a ton a respect for you and you are a brave, tough woman. You handle all of this with such peace(or at least that's how it seems). I can only try and understand all of what you go must go through on a daily basis. Also, I hope you get better!!

  2. Oh my! I'm thinking about you! What difficulty! At least you know that you would be unsuccessful at that heroin addiction you've been considering (sorry . . . bad joke).

    It's so hard to imagine that you have this process every day. How do you not think about this nearly every moment of the day? Or do you?

    Hope you get to feeling better soon . . .
