Saturday, March 28, 2009


So I think I might have messed up our cycle inadvertently. The story is kind of long and confusing in my mind, but the short of it is I didn't have enough days of overlap on birth control and the Lupron shots. I thought that it wasn't going to be a problem because the doctor on-call told me it was better that I was bleeding early and that I could just continue on with the pills I had left and start the shots when I did. I must have misunderstood her? Or she must have misunderstood me?

Well, I talked to our nurse Soonja the other day who was kind of upset with me (in a cute way) that I didn't call her for more active pills. She talked to our doctor, and the doctor wants to see me on Monday for ANOTHER ultrasound. OOOPS. I'm so nervous I messed this up.


  1. Oh no, Mary! I pray that you don't have any problems. I hope this won't be a stressor for you.


  2. Well, I'm sure tomorrow will put to rest your concerns with all of this. I pray everything is okay.

  3. Mary! Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me. I read every single entry and my heart is relating to everything you've said. I prayed for you tonight as I was nursing my two little miracles and I will continue to pray for you on this journey. I think it is wonderful how you are documenting everything and are so transparent.

    About a year before I got pregnant with James and Luke, the Lord gave me Romans 15:13 for my next baby(ies). Hope. I clung to this hope throughtout every day of the journey, especially the next year that I had to wait to even conceive. . . hope is so powerful and such an incredible gift. So, I love that you've called this blog your journey of HOPE! Yes! Hope in Him will not disappoint. . . and I'm going to pray that the hope you and Chris have this time will also not disappoint!!

    Can't wait to read how it all unfolds. . .

