Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Heart Yaz

I love this stuff. Sure, I have night sweats still. Sure, my patience level is close to zero at times. BUT, I can handle that as uncomfortable as it feels. Feeling nauseated is the one thing I cannot tolerate, and this pill is a miracle from the hand of God compared to what I was on. Thank You, Jesus!!!! I never knew birth control could be so horrendous until I swallowed orthocyclene for five days.

Anyway, right now, I feel like we are treading water until Monday. Monday is the day we get THE official plan, sign the papers, etc. The 3D sonogram is also Monday, which will determine if everything in there is clear for an embryo to attach. I've done this before so I know what to expect, which is why I will definitely down the 600 mg of ibuprofen they recommend. I didn't last time, and I don't remember why. Ignorance, I'm sure.

For now, I'm just so glad that Yaz has me feeling quasi-normal again. Lord knows, I'll probably have nausea a-plenty in the first couple weeks of the pregnancy. Lord willing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it's better. Craziness! I sure hope you find some nausea relief during this pregnancy.

    Praying with you guys!
