Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Sorry for the lack of updating here! I meant to post a big milestone the other day--Chris was able to feel Baby moving at 17 weeks. It was a moment I smile when I think about. It was a moment I felt like things were almost normal.

I remembered back to Noah's pregnancy--his focused face, waiting for the movement. The question was the same: "Was that you?" Now, how I could make my intenstines kick him in the hand, I don't know, but the question and the "That's so cool!" was familiar and took me back to a time where things seemed so normal and simple. We talked about names, looked at cribs, etc. with ease and without worry.

Right now, I'm waiting for the next "OK." We go back to Duke next Tuesday, and I'm waiting with hope that it will bring us to a place of "normal." Or at least closer. We've definitely made some strides in that direction . . .

The social worker at school stopped me today and said, "The rumor is you're having twins." I teach her daughter this year, who heard from somebody who heard from somebody else that I was having twins. She said that she told her daughter to stop saying that if I hadn't said anything to them. I thanked her before I had to explain that yes, we were at one point but not anymore. She then asked me if I had even mentioned the pregnancy to students, and I explained that I was still waiting for this next ultrasound.

So, for now, I wait. And I'm so grateful for the assuring flutters and pokes that make the waiting less . . . unbearable . . .

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet Emily. I love Kristi for this!! :) It's crazy how intuitive those students are and how FAST rumors spread like that. Praying for you and that sweet baby!
