Thursday, August 20, 2009

Half Way

I realized yesterday that this pregnancy is half-way done! That's kind of scary because I don't feel "ready" in the least. BUT, we have time to get things done, right? Here is what we need to accomplish, preferably in the next three months because the holiday season is fast approaching:

1. Go through Noah's baby clothes:
  • Sort
  • Wash
  • Fold
  • Put away

2. Clear out guest room (I'm dreading this!)

  • Pack up bed
  • Find a place for the printer, wireless router, and other junk in there
  • Figure out what to with everything in the closet in there
  • Talk about how our house is already feeling too small for us.

3. Figure out what baby stuff of Noah's we need to replace. We got several big things used with him. Here is what I know we need:

  • stroller/carseat combo (is it worth getting one Noah can ride in, too?)
  • swaddlers
  • pacifiers
  • baby bath tub
  • bouncy seat
  • Boppy for lounging (not a fan of the Boppy for nursing)
  • Maybe a new pump? I used my Medela pump full-time for a year, so I need to get it out and test it. I probably need new attachments at least.

4. Pick out crib.

5. Pick out bedding/color scheme for nursery.

6. Decorate nursery. Make letters of baby's name to hang on the wall. (The big news is coming soon!)

7. Get Noah books about being a big brother.

8. Pray about this transition.

9. Save more money so our savings isn't depleted when I don't work for four months.

10. Pray.

11. Continue to live life raising a two-and-a-half-year-old who is starting pre-school and speech therapy. Oh yeah, we also work and serve at church.

12. Pray some more because seeing this list is causing me some stress! Yikes!

Sigh . . .

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