Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

I can't believe that tomorrow is actually tomorrow! I am so excited to finally know, and I'm so grateful for everyone who has shared the excitement with us!

Our appointment is tomorrow at 11 am. If we didn't have Noah, I think I would've taken the day off tomorrow to just soak it in. (Last time, I was on summer break.) BUT Chris' mom would be pretty suspicious about a drastic change in our schedule, and we are really hoping our news is going to be a tremendous surprise for our families! We're not sure if they have any idea or not, but with Chris' mom being at our house during the week, it wouldn't be difficult to stumble across the needles, medication, etc.

ANYWAY . . .

I've been a little afraid to voice my gut instinct with this, but here goes--I think it's two. Chris thinks it's two as well. But then I sometimes think it's one. And I can't even think about THREE. No matter how many children I'm carrying, whether 0, 1, 2, or 3, we know Who holds tomorrow and that His plans for our family are perfect. And I believe that at my very core in spite of the doubts and fears that I've had throughout this whole process.

Barring any problems, I'm planning to head back to work after the ultrasound, but I will try to update ASAP! Thank you so very much for all of the comments and prayers. They have been such an encouragement to us!


  1. Soon and very soon the questions will be answered. Soon your hungry pains will all may sense. Love you!!

  2. Two--that's my thought!!!!!!!!

    Thinking of you. Can't wait to hear about the precious one (two or three) tomorrow. Prayers are with you . . .
