Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Doctor is In

After talking to my sister on Monday night, I realized that I needed to get some questions answered. We just felt unsettled about everything, and she encouraged us to advocate for ourselves and get our questions answered before Tuesday's appointment.

SO, I decided to email our wonderful doctor to ask her what she thought the prognosis was on our twins. We actually didn't see her on Tuesday; we saw a resident. She was very, very sweet, but we left feeling less than optimistic. In addition, Chris and I both were having some doubts on the impression we were given.

Our doctor called me this afternoon and gave me the following reassurances:

(1) They are looking for heart rates over 110. Both of our babies were over 110, at 121 and 134. She said those were good, solid heart rates.

(2) They are looking for development to be within a week of how many weeks pregnant I am. Both of our babies were within that week range, even if I were at the 7 week point on Monday. I still don't think I was, though. And I forgot to ask her about that . . .

(3) They monitor multiple pregnancies a little more closely so they can give the ob an accurate picture of the pregnancy when we are released from them. She also said the second ultrasound was necessary because we did this one a little early. I looked back and saw that we had Noah's first ultrasound about a week later than we had this one.

(4) She said the doc who saw us was probably a little more intense because there were three sacs to measure.

(5) On Tuesday, we are looking to see growth with both babies.

I so appreciated her taking the time to call me with that info. I guess it's not much different than what we were told before--that we needed to see growth--but I feel so much better knowing from an expert in the field that both babies are actually within normal ranges.

THANK YOU so very much for all the prayers for us and our babies. I cannot even verbalize how much they mean to us. Prayer is all we can do at this point, and yet, it is EVERYTHING we can do, too! THANK YOU and please keep praying for growth!!!!


  1. Oh wonderful! I went for a prayer jog for the babies today. I pray best when my feet are moving sometimes . . . I'm glad that you got more questions answered, Mare. (Good call, Dorothy.) Love you!

  2. Praying! Love you tons! So glad to hear good news that they both are developing normally!


  3. Very happy your doctor called. Amazing! I'm also glad you and Chris are feeling a little better about everything. You are inspiration to more than you'll ever know by voicing your unsettlement. You spoke though the love of Christ and the reward is a blessing! Love you!!

  4. Yeah! I'm so glad you were able to talk to your doctor and feel reassured. It's all in HIS hands and we are just going to believe HIM for two, beautiful, healthy babies. Can't wait to meet them in 9 months (or less!).
