Wednesday, May 27, 2009

From My Sister

My sister is into photography these days--she has a gifted eye for seeing art in simple things and can capture it with the lens. What a gift! She sent me a link to a picture she took for our precious twins, and I LOVE IT! I think it just might end up in a frame on the wall. Anyway, she posted the picture to her Flickr account with a caption. Here it is . . .

...My sister's first son, Noah, was conceived via IVF/ICSI in May 2006 and was born February 4, 2007 . We share this birthday in such a special way. She has been through more than I can possibly understand to become pregnant yet again. This time she's having TWINS. I feel the need to share in her words what has touched my heart. (Due date is January 5, 2010).

"2/17/09To my baby(ies),You are the forefront of our thoughts, prayers, and conversation today. I'm already imagining the energy of your heart beat, the flutter of your elbows and heels, the frenzy of preparation. Never doubt that you are life that was wanted, planned for, and sought after. Every shot, every pill, every dollar was and is worth it, you. We have loved you since your conception years ago. We have loved you, suspended in time. We love you today. And we will love you firmly forever."

More recent writing, beautifully written:

"The blessing I see in being able to carry with me our triplet and Noah's embryo:I don't have to release them to this world. Their physical make-up isa part of me; their spirits are in perfect Paradise. "


  1. beautiful! I have tears rolling down my face...I am so blessed to call you friend and be able to walk this journey with you through your blog!!! I love you!


  2. I really like your photography, Dorothy. This is a very beautiful tribute to the precious little ones! So sweet . . . Thanks for sharing.

    LOVE YOU, Mare!

  3. Thank you, Ciona, really means a lot. Also, Mary I feel very blessed to have you as a sister and to know first hand God's blessings on your life. Love you and your family.
