Thursday, November 5, 2009

Moments to Memorize

I just left Noah's room after our usual bedtime routine got a little "derailed" and am still smiling! Noah is getting more and more fascinated with my growing belly--so much so that he is now pulling my shirt up more often to "be nice" to the baby, to "kiss baby!" or to just say "Hi, baby!" Tonight, we started to pray for the baby, and he immediately pulled my shirt up and started rubbing my belly. Our sweet baby boy decided it was a good time to wake up and promptly started to kick at Noah's hand. Noah thought it was absolutely HILARIOUS! He was giggling and giggling and then would pause, waiting with anticipation, when Baby would sit still for a few seconds. As soon as he started moving/kicking again, Noah would laugh and laugh! He then started saying, "Again, baby!" and wanted to "kiss baby!" over and over. What a special moment between brothers my heart wants to memorize . . .

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