Sunday, September 27, 2009


I saw this news story the other week and meant to discuss it. Basically, a couple had a successful in vitro cycle and had left over embryos. Like us, they wanted to give each of their embryos a chance at life, so they went through a FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle. They found out they were pregnant . . . with another couple's embryo. I cannot even imagine. The doctor told them that if they chose to continue the pregnancy, they would have to give the baby to the other couple. They chose to continue, knowing that she would not be able to have another pregnancy. Therefore, they are going to use a surrogate for their remaining embryos. UNBELIEVABLE. Here's a CNN interview with the couple . . .

I seriously don't know how this would happen. We confirmed our identity so many times the day of the transfer, and I guess this unnamed clinic didn't have a good enough system in place? It's just craziness! I saw another article that says this sort of thing happens all the time, but it gets swept under the rug through settlements and such. In spite of knowing that Duke is one of the best in country and the best in the southeast (according to US News and World Reports), I can't help but have a slight "What if?" thought . . .

We've joked around about this very thing, but I really cannot fathom what it feels like to go through fertility treatment and all the emotions that go along with that, pregnancy and all the emotions and physical discomforts/changes, delivery and the recovery and to have nothing at the end. And not because of a medical reason or a death but because of someone else's mistake. Oh, I would be so angry, sad, totally devastated. And oh so rich at the end of it all.

Anyway, the most upsetting thing is some of the public comments on the issue via Youtube and other news sources. Some people are so ignorant when it comes to fertility treatment. It's not like you go through months of shots and hormone roller coasters-and thousands of dollars-out of selfishness. And everyone who does IVF/FET is not a wanna be octomom, either. AND we are not "playing God" either. AND no matter WHAT we did--herbs, acupuncture, antibiotics--we were NOT going to get pregnant without the science of IVF. AND Noah was not a premie, underweight, or fraught with defects. Just sayin'.


  1. W.O.W. Okay so why won't she be able to try to get pregnant again?

  2. I couldn't find a clear answer on that--one source said age, but all they've ever said was "health reasons." She has had c-sections with her other children, so maybe it's an issue with that? It is definitely serious because they already have a surrogate chosen.
