Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This update is specifically for Virginia B. Probin, who has reprimanded me for not updating here. :)

I had an appointment last week, and everything with Baby Boy was fine. We've had some crazy family issues lately, and I was concerned my stress might have translated to him. BUT his heartbeat was strong, and it is such a glorious sound to hear. I was so proud that my guess on how he was sitting was 100% correct. I can feel very distinctly hand movements vs. feet movements! I'm officially a pro!

The one major downer was the discovery that I have already gained 15 lbs. and was measuring ahead of 24 weeks. I am seriously confused as I work out 5-6 days a week, running at least 3 miles 2x week and weight training the other days. I guess my body is going to do what it's going to do, so I need to relax, be healthy, and chill about the scale. It's so hard!!!

As far as the nursery goes, we have done nothing since washing, folding, and sorting the baby clothes. I was reminded this morning that I am nearing the third trimester, so I guess we need to get moving! It's so different when you have a 2 1/2 year old who has an ever-expanding social calendar: among speech therapy, pre-school, soccer, and church, I feel so busy with Noah and making sure he is adequately stimulated and thriving.

I don't think I've mentioned this here yet, but I am once again able to share pregnancy with my sister! She is due March 6, about 2 months after we are! I love seeing our boys together now and am so glad our next children will also get to grow up together!

So . . . that's all on this end! :)


  1. So glad appointment went okay. Also, don't worry about the weight gain. I know its hard. But we worked off the weight before when it was time. Right now its time to be a women carrying a precious gift. Anythng that interfers with our resting, eating and being happy needs to go!

  2. Dorothy!!! Congratulations!!! How exciting to have more McLawhorn cousins the same age!

    I second Dorothy . . . you did it before, you'll do it again. Just be present to your body as it is every step of the way, dear.

    I love you, Mare!!!!!!!!

  3. congrats to Dor!!! I thought i MIGHT have seen a little bulge in some of the mudrun pics!!!So exciting!!! When will she find out the gender?


  4. Thanks for the update. That's really neat that you and your sister are pregnant at the same time!
