Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Week's Time

We have really gotten into gear around here with baby prep. Nesting has kicked in a little early for us, but I do not want to be 37 weeks pregnant and still working to get things together. If we had to, we could bring Baby home tomorrow and be ready to go. That's great for my mental health--I was starting to get stressed by everything we had to do. I still feel like there's some things we need to do, but not nearly as much as before. Chris did a great job clearing out the guest room, painting the walls, and putting the crib together. Here is the story of our work-in-progress . . .

Preparing to paint . . .
What Chris accomplished while I was at work and during Noah's naptime:
Notice the wall color. Noah woke up from his nap just as Chris was finishing up the painting. So, when I got home from the gym and was about to step in the shower, Noah came around the corner, dragging a paint roller full of that yellow. It was all over the carpet, our wood floors, his pants, his hands, etc. It was such a horrifying sight. If I weren't so shocked and rushed to get it cleaned up ASAP, I would've photographed the scene for posterity's sake. It was quite a sight. We got most of it up, but I can still see a slight remnant on the carpet. Oh, well. Such is life with a two-year-old. I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard Noah telling a surprisingly calm, yet focused-on-cleaning-up Daddy, [with such sincerity and conviction] "Ohhhh, noooo! Daddy paint big mess! I do it!" All Chris could say was, "Yes, you did. You made a big mess with daddy's paint." If you know Chris and could see the stress in his eyes when Noah has his markers out and waves them around with caps off saying, "I color!", this would be somewhat entertaining to you as well. ANYWAY . . .
After the Yellow Paint Incident of 2009, Chris moved on to putting the crib together.
Noah wanted to help . . .
. . . but had more fun playing with the empty crib box.

When it was all done, Noah came in and enthusiastically stated, "Baby's bed! Seep in there!"
Here is a wide-angle view of the basic set-up of the room:

I spent a few hours yesterday going through boxes of clothes and trying to get the closet in some order. We have to get some more hangers for our 0-3 stuff, but this is what we've done so far. We just need to find the bibs box . . .

We got the bottles out and in the cabinet, though we realized we loaned our good bottles to someone. We *think* the people we loaned to moved away a few months ago, so we're going to have to replace them. Oh, well. We could use what we have for a while, though I used most of those for the pump last time. Hopefully, this little one will have more luck with nursing!

Here is the crib, set up and ready to roll!

So, friends, we have all the big things in place, though like I said, we still have some work to do in the next 10 weeks or so!


  1. Chris and I both love and laughed at the "dragging a paint roller full of that yellow" and "I color!". Room looks really good!!
