Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I had a routine doctors' appointment today. It was the glucose test appointment, which meant I had the privelege of drinking a bottle of pure sugar water. It tastes like flat sprite.

Anyway, everything looked fine, normal, for the most part.
  • I gained 1 lb. since my last appointment.
  • My iron level was better than last time but still low. I have to take an iron supplement (over-the-counter) to see if it is up by the next appointment. If not, I get the prescription again. I had the same issue in Noah's pregnancy, so it's not new.
  • I am measuring right on track and not ahead like last time. Very helpful on the psyche.
  • The contractions I've been having are due to my need for more fluids. I don't know how much more water I can drink without camping out in the bathroom, but I obviously need to amp it up some. If that doesn't help, I will ask them to check things out at the next appointment. The contractions aren't terribly painful--just kind of annoying.
  • Baby's heart rate was strong in the 150's range. It's so funny to hear him sloshing around on the machine. He is not a fan of being poked and already kicks his brother when he's sitting on my lap. And thus, we begin . . .

In baby prep news, we have ordered a crib finally! We found some cute bedroom furniture for Noah on Craigslist, so he will be getting a "big boy" room; the nursery stuff (changing table, closet organizer, etc.) will be moved to the new nursery.

We are struggling to find a theme for the nursery this time. Chris wants to stay away from blue since we did blue with Noah. We also had a pretty obvious theme for Noah with the ark association and all, so we went with animals. This time . . . we're stuck. And nothing really stands out when we look. I have toyed with the idea of re-using Noah's nursery theme, but being a 2nd child myself, I just can't bring myself to do it; I would be betraying my middle child-ness.

Overall, things are going well. I saw on the bottom of my paperwork that I was classified as a "normal pregnancy." I feel like this one has been anything but normal, but we seem to have hit a good stride, I suppose. Praise God for that!

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