Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Update on Duke Visit

Our Duke visit today was pretty uneventful. Baby B is still there, very much visible, though the amniotic sac around him/her is getting noticeably smaller. The doctor told us yet again that eventually it would absorb into the placenta. It was easier to see though still a downer. I'm trying to choose to not let it completely ruin the ultrasound experience . . .

Anyway, Baby A looks great according to the ultrasound tech and the doctor. We were able to see him/her swallowing amniotic fluid, wiggling, turning, etc. I still can't feel any of the movement--it's crazy to see all of that movement and not feel a thing! We have to go back there in four weeks for an anatomy scan, which will be ultrasound #6. Crazy--we only had three with Noah.
I'm still not showing much at all--I am little bit, though I think it just looks like a spare tire and that I'm putting on some weight. I'm finally feeling "normal" again, so yesterday and today I was able to work out and felt GREAT doing so. I'm so glad the first trimester is over!
Anyway, here is a picture of Baby A's profile. I think he/she kinda looks like Noah from the side, but Chris said he didn't see it . . . what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Will you find out if Baby A will wear blue or pink at the next ultrasound?
