Friday, July 17, 2009


Today, I have been feeling signs of life: just a light fluttering, distinct yet gentle, like butterfly wings. I imagine Baby coming out of a nap and stretching and turning the way Noah used to when he was still a baby. I imagine Baby tapping gently as if to say, "I'm still here, Mommy!" The movement is so reassuring and reminds me that yes, I am pregnant. It's crazy, but I've actually had moments of, "Oh, yeah. I'm pregnant." The movement of this little one helps me to move forward--movement in the right direction.
Before bedtime, we pray every night for "the baby on the way." Noah, every now and then, inquires, "Baby way?" (We're still working on forming complete prepositional phrases.) I tell him, "Yes, buddy. Mommy has a baby right here" and point to my belly. Well, today, at the Y while we were checking in and after he made sure he said a very energetic "HII!" to everyone around, Noah pointed to his belly and said quite loudly, "BABY!" People giggled, and I tried to explain quietly that he does not have a baby in his belly--only mommy does. I thought it was so ironic that God would use a two-year-old to force me to acknowledge the pregnancy in public, to face my fear. Movement in the right direction.
Later on at home, he pointed to my belly and said, "Baby!" I said, "Yes, buddy. The baby is right there." He thought for a second or two and said, "Share trains!" I said, "You want to share your trains with the baby?" He gave the biggest smile and nodded his head yes. All I could do was smile and praise his enthusiasm about the baby and willingness to share his prized possessions. Again, I thought it was so funny how Noah's innocent enthusiasm moved me yet again in the right direction--toward enthusiasm and joy.

I can honestly say that Noah's excitement for this baby is a divine gift given to him because I can also honestly say that he did not pick up on it from me. Rather, I picked up some enthusiasm from him. What a sweet gift from my firstborn, from God . . .


  1. This is beautiful! Noah is such a special little boy . . .

  2. So sweet :-) Noah is going to be a wonderful big brother! Are you going to find out if your giving him a baby brother or sister in the next month?

  3. Yes, Beth, we will find out for sure on Aug. 11. We *think* we already know, but we were told to wait since it was still early.


  4. how very sweet for the Lord to use one special gift He gave remind you of the joy of the gift He is growing inside you NOW! =)

    my heart aches as i read back, catching up on your journey. at the same time...i am humbled by your honesty...touched by your eloquence...encouraged by your faith...and excited about what the future will hold and how ALL of this teaches us about...and reflects the nature of God Himself!

    still praying...=)
