Thursday, June 4, 2009

Success/On the other hand . . .

Chris' parents put the puzzle together within an hour of having it home and were equally as excited! I know they love being grandparents, so they are getting a double portion this time! The question we got was, "Does this mean what I think it means?" I guess it is pretty unbelievable when you're told your son may never have children!

Since they are on Facebook, our news became a status update and wall photo within the hour. I don't know that I was ready for that kind of broadcast, but alas . . .

Here is said Wall Photo entitled: "It's Twins, This is how we found out."

Comments from people we don't know:

You are kidding me!

That is so neat!

How creative . . .


Here is said status update:

Ira Straits
Well, papa will be having two more to play with. I love having grandkids! One of the best joys in life! The due date for the twins is January 4th. Pray for healthy Mom and babies. Lord, thank you for your blessings!

Chris' grandma wrote:
This means i get to be great-grandma to twins.Thank you Jesus! i hope one of them is a girl.Love you son and i am happy for them and you and Abbey

I love Facebook in that way--I can record the words straight from the source. On the other hand . . .

I'm going to put this here and try to be gracious about it, but someone responded to Chris' dad's status update in a way that stung a little bit:

"Wow!!! Twins!!! Better than triplets, that's for sure. Congrats!"

My first instinct was to comment back with, "Funny that you mention triplets. We had triplets, but one of them died."

I keep telling myself that I don't even know this person; she doesn't know us, she doesn't know the whole story, etc.

I've been very careful to never punish other people because of our situation. I know some people who have struggled with infertility get really "upset" with others for being able to get pregnant easily and then complaining about pregnancy ailments, etc. I never wanted to be that way. On the other hand . . .

Part of me, my inner-Mommy, wants to stand up for our triplet. Like I've said before, I believe that life had a purpose, and I got very offended at the suggestion that we're better off because he or she died. [Insert rational voice here: She didn't know about the triplet.]

I don't think twins are "better" than triplets. Easier on many levels? Probably. But not "better." [Insert rational voice: I think she probably meant "easier".]

I typed several responses to that, but I don't know that my heart is in the right place. I want to teach this lady a lesson--don't say things like that because you never know someone's situation. I wanted her to feel guilty for saying that, to feel the sting we did. The rational voice: She didn't know.

The mothering blog I follow Prayer of Hannah discussed kindness this week, and I'm so glad I read the posts on kindnes or I would've probably responded in anger. And out of a sense of entitlement. I think the kindest thing to do in this situation is say nothing . . . as difficult as it is . . .

Chris also put "the news" as his status update, which opened the door to a flood of messages, comments, etc. I wasn't ready for that. It is totally crazy how you can literally inform hundreds of thousands of people of your personal news with a status update, relationship status, wall photo, etc. (If you're on FB, you know what I mean.) I'm still not used to that, and as someone with control issues, this status-update business is uncontrolable. It's just plain crazy the power of such things . . .

I didn't mean for this post to turn into a diatribe on a status comment. Facebook is so good in that you can keep up with people with whom you would otherwise lose touch. On the other hand, it creates so much drama. Sigh.

ANYWAY, this was supposed to be about how Chris' parents took the news. The short of it is they are excited, thrilled, etc. These babies are so blessed to have so many people thanking God for them! What a gift!


  1. Well, Mary I guess you know I'm a little offended as well. Your triplet is "alive and well and spirit lives within" you. That is the truth and one day you will embrace your sweet souls(2). Love you!

    Don't let other people's innocent remarks pull you down. I believe these comments are meant to be happiness for you and your family. Just know no one can really understand everything because they don't walk in your shoes. Only you do. The people that are closest to you know a little more about what you've been through and those comments are meant to keep you circled in strength.
    I love the story given with the hands: (fingers laced together downward)..."here's the's the the church and there's all the people". Really ("people")that's our circle of comfort, love, support, and dependence. Be thankful for your support, Mary, and I know you are. It's okay to use your support as needed. That's the beautiful part. I don't want you to feel hurt ever. If I can say something/do something to take all or some of your hurt away, I want to know so I can. I know other people feel the same for you. Hope this makes sense. Love you, mean it!!

  2. Mary,

    Don't know if you knew or not, but I did respond to the comment. Didn't see any response past that.

